Fixing the “Permission Denied” Error on Linux

Encountering a “Permission Denied” error on Linux can be frustrating, especially for beginners. This error typically occurs when a user attempts to access or modify a file or directory without the necessary permissions. In this guide, we’ll explore common causes and provide step-by-step solutions to fix this issue effectively.

Understanding the Cause

Linux is a multi-user operating system with strict permission settings to enhance security. The “Permission Denied” error arises when a user lacks the necessary rights to execute, read, or write a file or directory.

Common Causes

  • Insufficient permissions for the user
  • File or directory owned by another user
  • Attempting to execute a file without execution rights
  • SELinux or AppArmor restrictions
  • Filesystem mount options preventing access


How to Fix the ‘Permission Denied’ Error

1. Check File Permissions

To view file permissions, use the following command:

ls -l filename

This will display the owner, group, and permission levels of the file.

Permissions are displayed in a format like:

-rw-r--r--  1 user group 1234 Mar 5 12:00 filename
  • r (read), w (write), x (execute)
  • The first set applies to the owner, the second to the group, and the third to others.

2. Change File Permissions

If you lack the necessary permissions, modify them using chmod:

chmod +x filename  # Adds execution permission
chmod 644 filename # Sets read and write for owner, read-only for others

For directories, use:

chmod -R 755 directory_name

3. Change File Ownership

If the file belongs to another user, change the ownership using chown:

sudo chown your_user:your_group filename

For directories:

sudo chown -R your_user:your_group directory_name

4. Run Commands with Sudo

Some files require superuser access. If you receive a permission error, try running the command with sudo:

sudo command_here

For example:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

5. Check SELinux or AppArmor Restrictions

If SELinux is enabled, it may prevent access. Check its status with:


If SELinux is enforcing, you can temporarily disable it with:

sudo setenforce 0

For a permanent solution, update SELinux policies.

6. Check Filesystem Mount Options

Some mounted filesystems have restrictive permissions. Check with:

mount | grep /mount/point

If needed, remount with appropriate options:

sudo mount -o remount,rw /mount/point

7. Verify Executable Path

If you’re trying to run a script or program, ensure it’s in the correct path and executable:

which command_name

If the file is missing, update your PATH variable or use ./ before the filename:



The “Permission Denied” error in Linux is primarily due to insufficient access rights. By understanding file permissions, modifying ownership, and using administrative privileges where necessary, you can resolve this error effectively. If you continue facing issues, ensure SELinux or AppArmor settings are not interfering. Mastering these concepts will make your Linux experience smoother and more efficient.


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